One Small Step for Tech Integration …

Sweetwater has many educators who integrate technology at a very high level.  These innovators and early adopters are eagerly embracing the digital age and thoughtfully applying tools and processes to their already strong pedagogy to engage students, enhance learning, and prepare our kids for the times we live in.  We in EdTech applaud those efforts and encourage those trailblazers to keep leading and learning in the coming year.

And we also know that we have teachers who fall along all quadrants of Rogers Diffusion of innovation distribution.


2018-19 there is an opportunity for every teacher to take another step toward technology integration no matter where you are on this spectrum. This year we have achieved 1:1 status from grades 7-12.  This is a vision that began back in 2010 and is now a reality for our Sweetwater school communities. The tools are now at our fingertips and we have expertise throughout our district to help lead the way. First, let me acknowledge that there are legitimate reasons for many of you to be skeptical and leery of technology.

Yes, there is always a need for more training.

Yes, the infrastructure doesn’t work flawlessly 24/7.

Yes, some students are not completely responsible with their devices.

Yes, some students are off task on their devices.

Yes, there are actually way too many tools to choose from.


The digital transformation is no longer in its infancy.

The Internet is not going away any time soon.

Our students live in a social, political, and economic world that is dominated by digital tools and requires our leadership so they can thrive and not struggle in this complex and ever changing landscape.

And…the opportunities to connect your classroom to experts and information anywhere in the world is breathtaking.


We believe that strong pedagogy, rigorous and relevant content, plus intentional tech integration enhances learning.

So, our challenge to all Sweetwater teachers for 2018-19 is to take a step forward.  

1) Commit to using a Learning Management System (LMS) to help you  organize your resources, materials, and instruction for students. Sweetwater has access to Canvas, Google Classroom, and OneNote for this purpose.

2) Experiment with technology tools to enhance the Elements of Effective Instruction that are the focus of our work as a school community.

3) Reach out to your colleagues down the hall or across the district who are just ahead of you on the curve and learn from their successes and failures.

And, when you take these steps, be they small or large, know that you have a support team ready to help.

You have a Blended Learning Specialist (BLS) whose primary role is to support your efforts at technology integration.

You have a Site Technician who can remove software, hardware, and network barriers.

You have a  Teacher Librarian who can help you find resources that will enhance your curriculum and navigate the digital world along with your students..

You have an administration who is committed to modeling and supporting your efforts.

The EdTech team which consists of Georgina Meza, Program Manager and myself is eager to help you along the way.  Our primary task is to support the Site Tech Team (BLS, Teacher Librarian, Site Technician and Assistant Principal) as they support you, however we are eager to hear directly from anyone who has questions or concerns related to technology integration.  

So, make a commitment to take your next logical step in technology integration in 2018-19 and count us as your partners in serving the needs of our students.